Friday, January 15, 2016

New Years Resolutions

New years resolutions.  Does anybody every keep them for the whole year?  I know mine last about a week before they are out the door.  I set a lot of them but remembering them and actually doing them is a whole other story.  

Now you probably want to know what are my New Years Resolutions.  

1)  Keep my room clean and organized.  I always have serious problems putting my clothes away and putting books back on the shelves.  I want to totally rearrange my room and organize my clothes, makeup, and hair stuff.    

2) This goes along with the last one.  Make my bed every morning.  I feel like it takes so much time, and I have a queen sized bed.  It does make me feel good to be able to have it made and nice looking.  

3) Read 50 books or more this year.  I love to read books.  Mostly science fiction and fantasy genres.  Probably I should make at least 15 of the books different genres.  I read books really fast, so this might be the one goal I am able to keep.  

4) Get my permit and drive enough to get my license in September.  Maybe?  I am a really timid driver and my parents make fun of me for driving so slow.  I prefer to be in the passenger seat while my mom or dad drives.  Driving makes me nervous, especially when you have other people in the car with you.  The second time I got behind the wheel, I got honked at for going too slow.   

5) This is a big one.  Be nice to and get along my little brother.  We are always fighting and yelling at each other.  I mean, he drives me absolutely crazy!  He is eleven years old and in fifth grade.  My towel is always on the bathroom floor, and he even used my toothbrush because he wasn't paying attention.  Seriously?!?!?  I was yelling at him and he went "ehhhhh.  Whatever."  That resolution isn't going to last long.  

6) There are also goals I set for every year.  Get good grades and do well in school.  That is an obvious goal though.

7) Learn how to cook.  I am a total failure at cooking.  I wanted to learn to cook something new every Sunday.  So far I have learned to cook Spaghetti.  I can of course make Top Ramen, Mac & Cheese,  and foods you can microwave or cook in the oven.  That might be all that I eat in college.

8)  A lot of my goals have to do with organization, so here is another one.  Organize all of my music I have so much music that I can't always find what I need and know what I have.  It is nice to know that everything is organized.  

9)  I also teach piano and I want to teach more piano this year.  So far, I have two students.  I really love to teach and I find it so much fun to see the improvement they make.  

1 comment:

  1. My New Year's resolution is to let go of al the people that made my life miserable in 2015.....and get my permit in November. But you can drive me until then. :)
