Friday, October 23, 2015

Magic Mountain-Six Flags

We went to Magic Mountain on October 12.  It was the first time I had ever been there.  I wouldn't recommend taking little kids there, though.  They do have a section of the park with little kids rides, but there isn't that much for them to do.  Magic Mountain is a park with gigantic rollercoasters that hold records.

Full Throttle is the tallest looping coaster.  I got to sit in the front seat with a stranger because my dad and my brother didn't want to go on it.  You get strapped in, and then you shoot up.  You start with the biggest loop at a really fast speed.  There is one really  

Full Throttle: The tallest looping coaster.

We went on Tatsu first thing in the morning.  They opened at 9:00 am and we got there right as it opened.  Tatsu has the track above you and you hang with your feet dangling.  The catch is that they tilt you so your face is almost parallel to the ground.  You really feel like you are flying.  I think that the scariest part was when you go on the loop.  Since the seats are suspended and tilted, you are going on the loop headfirst and you can't really see where you are going.  There is also so much g-force created that it feels like your face is peeling off. 

One of the newer rides in the park was Twisted Colossus.  We went on it twice because it was so cool.  My dad said it was around when he was a kid, but not really the same.  It used to be an old wooden rollercoaster.  Since the remade it, it is a rollercoaster "where wood meets steel."  There are two tracks, a blue and a green.  You go on the blue one first, and then switch over to the green.  It makes it a really long rollercoaster.  Some people who went on it didn't realize it had two tracks and wanted to get off after going on the blue track.  They couldn't do that though so they had to hang on through the green track as well.  One of my favorite parts was the zero g-roll.  You went upside down and felt like you were floating for a split second.  

One of the most popular rides at Magic Mountain was Goliath.  I couldn't get my dad or my brother to come with me, so I went by myself.  You get in the train, and it takes you up for a really long time.  It doesn't go up very fast, and it goes really high up.  The very first drop is 255 feet and very steep.  That wasn't really scary though.  It goes so fast on the rest of the ride.  At one point, I started to see black spots and then I couldn't see.  It was so cool but it did hurt your eyes.  Now I can say I went on Goliath.  

My brother's favorite ride was called Ninja.  This ride also had a lot of g-force, but it wasn't very big.  You are in a car that has a track above you.  It had springs so that you can swing back and forth as the ride turns.  

Overall, we had an amazing trip.  I was so worn out, but it was a totally fun vacation.  I really want to go there again, but I would take my friends to go on some of the really big rides.    

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