Friday, May 13, 2016

2015-16 school year in review

Treasure Mountain Junior High, Park City Utah

This blog started as an Honors English assignment.  I go to Treasure Mountain Junior High in Park City.  I would say that at the beginning of the year, blogging was the hardest thing for me, because I had no experience with this type of writing.  I never would have started a blog if it hadn't been part of an assignment.  I didn’t even really know what a blog was.  

After we started to talk about the blog, I struggled to come up with a title and a topic.  I have no life outside of school and music, as you probably have read, and I didn’t think people want to read about all of the music things I did.  In the end, I did decide to write about music, but also add other fun things that I do.  I did however really like the title I came up with for a music blog.  “Persisting Perseverance with a Passion”  sounds very intense, but really, I am not practicing 8 hours a day.  If I was going into music, I would have to practice that much, but since I am not, 4-5 hours a day is plenty for me.  

The next thought I had was who the heck would actually read my blog.  I knew my english teacher would because he had to grade the blog.  Maybe some of my friends would read it, but I wasn’t even sure of that.     

I actually think that if I didn't have to turn in 3 blog posts a quarter, that I wouldn't post as much.  There are so many cool things that I do, but it does take time to write about them.  Sometimes, I don’t have the time to write about some things, so I don’t write about them until later.  That is not always good because sometimes I forget some important details.  After a couple months though, I learned that it is better to post constantly instead of waiting right until the due date.     

With this blog, I have tried to keep my posts entertaining, and fun.  I sometimes struggle with what to write, but I eventually figure it out.  Sometimes I start writing, and then I realize my post has way too many words.  There is just so much that I could say about a certain topic that I just get carried away.  Other times, I am struggling to make the minimal word count.       

Because I had to write this blog, I feel that I have improved my writing and story telling skills.  Writing has never been my strong point in English.  I am better at reading and comprehension, but this year, I feel that my writing skills have improved quite a lot.  I definitely enjoy it more than I used to.

While I still find blogging a little bit difficult sometimes, I have come to enjoy writing posts to add to my blog.  It is a great way to share my thoughts and passions.  I hope to continue to blog, even after 9th grade is over.     

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